Charlie Parker, Rhythm Changes Etude in Bb

Charlie Parker, Rhythm Changes Etude in Bb This is a rhythm changes etude written entirely of riffs I’ve lifted from Charlie Parker records. The fingers are ones I use but if you come up with something better, please let me know. The chords indicated in the etude are those that are implied by the melodic patterns and not what the rhythm section is playing. The PDF file for the etude is available on my patreon site. As always, I appreciate you liking/subscribing to my youtube. , You can purchase my books at The notation for this is on my patreon and my kofi site: And I also have a kofi... #CharlieParker #BirdLives #bebop #bebopguitar #beboplicks #jazzguitar #modernjazzguitar #legatoguitar #jazzguitarlicks #jazzguitarriffs #outsideplaying #2-5-1licks
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