People In Camera Beware - Other Items Share This Title (1946)

Title reads: “People in Camera“. Water diviners test their powers before sceptical scientists at Frescati, Sweden. M/S of men and women water diviners, forked rods in hands, walking along. Poplar trees can be seen in background. C/U of a diviner holding a twig which turns in his hands. C/U of 70 year old Anders Nerdlung, he gets a result as the rod twists in his hand. C/U of Elida Ohlson, marking the spot where her rod jumped in her hands. M/S of scientists writing in notebooks. Various shots of dilapidated slum tenements and bomb sites in Hoxton, London, washing lines strung from house to house. Elevated shot of the tiny backyard of Mrs Nellie Neale on Shaftesbury Street. Her garden is like a miniature farmyard with ducks, chickens and flowers. We see chickens pecking grain which Mrs Neale scatters. She feeds rabbits in a hutch. She fills up a small pool for her ducks. M/S of Mrs Neale cutting chrysanthemums. Various shots of Mrs Neale fixing up a hammock and resting in it. She smokes an
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