Unity 2018 - Game VFX - Projectile/Bullet Raycast Tutorial

Unity 2018 - Game VFX - Projectile Muzzle Impact Raycast Tutorial This video shows you how to create a Projectile, Muzzle Flash and a Impact effect in Unity. We use Photoshop and Blender to create our elements and create some code, with raycasts, for the projectiles to move and rotate in the right direction! Here’s a timeline: 01:10 - Projectile VFX; 02:00 - Projectile Mesh; 05:20 - Projectile Texture; 07:46 - Improve Projectile vfx / Add Trail; 09:55 - Spawn Projectiles Script; 11:41 - Projectile Move Script; 12:45 - Rotate To Mouse Script (Raycast); 17:33 - Improve Spawn Projectiles Script; 21:00 - Muzzle VFX; 22:28 - Muzzle Mesh; 24:43 - Muzzle Textue; 26:33 - Impact/Hit VFX; 27:49 - Improve Projectile Move Script; 31:54 - Conclusion
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