Vampire The Masquerade - A Beast I Am (1999, FULL ALBUM, RARE)

Here is the exceedingly rare album by “Bart Dijkman“, one of the two official Vampire The Masquerade albums. The other one being an album with compiled licensed tracks called “Music For The Succubus Club“. Someone in a VTM group I’m in happened to have this CD and was cool enough to send over all these tracks to keep them preserved, and have all of you be able to listen to this album (probably for the first time) in its full glory. If you are a VTM fan, you’re in for a treat. This is a dark ambient album set with the tones and themes of VTM, made to be able to play in the background of VTM play sessions. Enjoy! 01 - 00:00 - A World Of Darkness 02 - 05:01 - Intrigues And Transactions 03 - 10:54 - Malkavian Insight 04 - 12:25 - The Embrace - Humanity Undone 05 - 16:41 - A Beast I Am... 06 - 21:06 - Visions Of Golconda 07 - 24:56 - Fellini’s Bar 08 - 28:26 - Secrets Have A Way Of Getting Out 09 - 30:02 - Love Betrayed 10 - 34:28 - Incantations 11 - 39:49 - Stalker 12 - 42:00 - Rooftop Chase 13 - 45:33 - Cou
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