|ADS| Avatar - Watercraft (Pendulum Mashup)

Before you ask, YES i cut the audio myself, and MAYBE, i’ll send if you want it ever so badly. (it was really easy jsyk.) I randomly got the inspiration to make this in 24 hours spread over three days. i’mma machine i know. THIS IS DEDICATED TO DANNIE! MY IRL FRIEND AND FELLOW EDITOR OF MANY YEARS NOW (i’d also like to secretly dedicate this to 1footballma1, katarablaine aviiavatar and miilru) Idk what else to say. oh, it was really hard to come up with all of the clip choices from different episodes in succession. you’d think not but it is for me! Songs: Watercolour and Witchcraft by Pendulum Time taken: 24 hours layers: 25 ENJOY BITCHES! :)
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