..видео 2....странная история из твиттера

Before you jump in and claim it’s fake, please try to look at the pictures, the videos and the context, and note that her last video was taken on live stream, so if it is staged, well, good job then. So, here is what happened here. On Friday, a girl created a reddit account and a twitter account to seek help. She said she felt she was being observed by all corners, and had intruders all around her house and even inside. One day, she had a black out of 14 hours and woke up with a weird brand on her back. Afterward, she tweeted records of strange sound in her house. She was really concerned for her daughter safety, and her post didn’t seem like a marketing campaign since she doesn’t seem to know how to use twitter nor reddit really well. It looked like more a person desperately seeking help than a person seeking attention. However, that’s where it gets scary. As police couldn’t do anything, she started recording what was happening in her house.
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