Livy’s History of Rome part 4 of 5 full audiobook listen online

Book 30: Close of the Hannibalic War It was now the sixteenth year of the Punic War. The new consuls, Cnaeus Servilius and Caius Servilius, laid before the senate the questions of the general policy of the republic, the conduct of the war and the assignment of the provinces. It was resolved that the consuls should come to an arrangement, or failing that decide by ballot, which of them should oppose Hannibal in Bruttium whilst the other should have Etruria and the Ligurians as his province. The one to whom Bruttium fell was to take over the army from P. Sempronius, and Sempronius, whose command was extended for a year as proconsul, was to relieve P. Licinius. the latter was to return to Rome. Licinius was not only a fine soldier but he was in every respect one of the most accomplished citizens of the time. he combined in himself all the advantages which nature or fortune could bestow. he was an exceptionally handsome man and possessed remarkable physical strength. he was considered a most eloquent speaker,
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