Assassin’s Creed Symphonic Adventure · Official Launch Trailer

Assassin’s Creed Symphonic Adventure The brand-new immersive Assassin’s Creed concert experience Ubisoft and Overlook Events are proud to introduce Assassin’s Creed Symphonic Adventure, a new official symphonic concert created especially to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the globally acclaimed video game series. Over the past 15 years, the Assassin’s Creed franchise has become one of the most beloved and popular video game series of all time, becoming synonymous with rich and engrossing storytelling, spectacular recreations of worlds, and for its ability to allow players to treat History as their own personal playground Assassin’s Creed Symphonic Adventure features a full orchestra and choir in a unique and immersive concert experience that covers the musical journey of Assassin’s Creed from its ancient origins through to modern-day Animus settings. In this original concert performance, the narrative of the games is at the heart of the music experience. The audience will be able
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