Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse April 8 - Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek
The Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse and the Diamond Light Codes of Divinity, Purity and Love
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Beloved hearts, we enter into a new celestial dance of Cosmic Christ Consciousness expansion through the “Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse” on April 8th, with the eclipse pathway commencing along Mexico’s Pacific coast, and traveling through Texas and 14 other US states, before culminating over Canada. This is the first full Solar Eclipse crossing North America since August 2017, which at that time, created some of the biggest shifts many of us as awakened Souls experienced in the expansion of our Soul Light and Service work to this sacred earth.
This Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees offers a pathway of initiation through the New Earth Diamond Grids as well as Chiron, the wounded healer, positioned too in alignment at 19 degrees Aries, and exactly conjunct with the Sun and Moon. This not only brings up remn