Walking in Red Square & GUM Shopping Mall in Winter

Take a walk with me in Moscow Russia and discover Red Square, GUM Shopping Mall along with there points of interest like Alexander Garden and the Eternal Flame. What does it look like in Moscow on a Snow Day? How does the mood feel like as the weather gets colder. 🌐 GUM Shopping Mall Website: 📍Store Location: Red Square, 3, Moscow, 109012 📍 Map Location: ⌚ Time of Filming: pm ( pm) 20th November 2023. Ways you can support me and the channel 💳 (Russian Bank Deposit) SberBank: 7 916-313-0982 💳 (Set up for Everyone) 💳 (Set up for Everyone) ☕Buy me a Coke (Coffee) 🛒 Shop for items on Amazon: 💵 PayPal (Non-Russian)
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