What are feelings? | Educational Videos For Kids | Learn Like Nastya

It’s Kids Academy, and welcome back to our channel! In today’s video, we will talk about different feelings. What are feelings? Let’s learn together! Stay tuned! Every day we have different feelings. We are glad to see our friends. We are sad to be parted with our loved ones. We enjoy fine sunny weather, when we can go outside. We’re sad when it’s raining. And a lot of other feelings for different situations in life. Happy is a fun feeling. Lin is feeling happy because it is her birthday. Silly is another fun feeling. Tyler likes to make funny faces and make people laugh. He is silly! Some feelings are not much fun. Ryan is scared. Ryan is scared of a spider. Being mad or angry are feelings too. Alisha is mad because she has to go to bed early. All of us have feelings. How are you feeling today?
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