Adam Ben Ezra Live at Moods Zurich / The Busker

✖️ Get my albums, transcriptions, video lessons and more at ✖️ ★ Hide and Seek - new album out now: ★ What a high it was to perform at the sensational ’Moods’ in Zurich. A little reminder of good times in February, here I’m playing the Busker live on that same night. Can’t wait to see you guys soon again at more awesome venues - . MAY22 INNSBRUCK🇦🇹 MAY23 CHATENAY-MALABRY🇫🇷 MAY31 COUTANCES🇫🇷 JUN2 MALTA🇲🇹 JUN4 RAVENNA🇮🇹 JUN12 BAKU🇦🇿(TRIO) JUN14 LUSTENAU🇦🇹 JUN18 NEW YORK, NY🇺🇸 JUN20 PHILADELPHIA, PA🇺🇸 JUN21 HANCOCK, NY🇺🇸 JUN22 CHICAGO, IL🇺🇸 JUN23 DETROIT, MI🇺🇸 JUN24 RO...CHESTER, NY🇺🇸 JUN25 ROCHESTER, NY🇺🇸
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