CGI 3D Animated Short: “400 MPH“ - by 400 MPH Team | TheCGBros

TheCGBros Presents “400 MPH“ - by 400 MPH Team - In the Bonneville salt flats, a chimpanzee named Icarus tries to reach the ultimate limit of 400 mph. He goes through cars and cars to go beyond that incredible frontier. But will this be enough to satisfy his hunger for speed? For more information, please see the details and links below: TEAM: Co-Director: Julia Chaix Co-Director: Paul-Eugène Dannaud Co-Director: Lorraine Desserre Co-Director: Alice Lefort Co-Director: Natacha Pianeti Co-Director: Quentin Tireloque —————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ❓❓ Have questions or comments, of course, you do!!❓❓ We really love them too!!! So click here ► to ask us anything!! —————————————————————————————————————————————————————— FOLLOW US BELOW: ►Web - TheCGBros ►Facebook `
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