SIGMA I series Concept Movie

I series|Premium Compact Primes A lens is a piece of your camera gear. But it’s also something you spend your time with when taking pictures. When you think about it that way, there are so many factors you’d care about other than the images you take with it. I series lenses are so satisfying to use and feel so natural in the hand that you’ll want to reach for one every time you shoot. I series lenses are more than a tool that takes beautiful pictures. They are designed to enhance your photographic style. They are built to help you achieve your creative vision. They are as much about the journey as the results. That is the concept behind the letter ‘I’ in this new series. We believe that the I series is unique in being able to meet these expectations. Iシリーズ|プレミアムコンパクトプライム レンズは撮影機材であると同時に、撮影という時間を共にする存在でもある。 そう捉えると、撮れる画以外にも大事にしたい要素で溢れています。 たとえば、ひんやりと主張する金属の質感。じっくりと心地よい重み。 しっとりとした操作感が癖になるリング。カチカチと何度でも聞きたくな
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