1 J. S. Bach - Wie schön leuchtet der Morgenstern, BWV 1 - Found.

Sopran - Eva Oltivànyi Tenor - Makoto Sakurada Bass - Manuel Walser Violine - Renate Steinmann, Plamena Nikitassova, Martin Korrodi, Christoph Rudolf, Ildiko Sajgo, Olivia Schenkel, Fanny Tschanz, Livia Wiersich Viola - Susanna Hefti, Martina Bischof Violoncello - Maya Amrein Violone - Iris Finkbeiner Fagott - Susann Landert Corno - Olivier Picon, Ella Vala Armansdottir Orgel - Norbert Zeilberger Cembalo - Nicola Cumer written for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1725, completes Bach’s chorale cantata cycle of 1724. As it was the first work featured in the inaugural version of the Complete Works of Bach in 1851, it was later given the number BWV 1. The orchestration of this cantata is particularly exquisite: aside from four voices and the obligatory strings, it includes two concertante violins, two oboes da caccia and two horns – three uncommon pairings of solo instruments. The addition of brass instruments, however, was not necessarily unconventional for the orchestration of a celebratory hy
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