Venus Will Turn Into A “Ring Of Fire“

On August 13th, Venus will pass almost directly between the Earth and the Sun. Astronomers call this an “Inferior Conjunction Of Venus“. This is having a strange effect on the planet’s shape. It is like a “Ring Of Fire“. Why does Venus look like a ring? The planet’s nightside is facing Earth. Sunlight filtering through the edge of Venus’s carbon dioxide atmosphere forms a luminous ring around the dark disk. During some inferior conjunctions, Venus transits the face of the Sun. Not this year, though. At closest approach on Sunday, Venus and the Sun will be separated a little more than 7 degrees. This means careful daytime shots of Venus will be possible. Warning! Observing Venus at this time is dangerous. Only skilled observers taking careful precautions should attempt it. When will you next see Venus? At the moment of inferior conjunction, Venus will officially shift from the evening to the morning sky for all observers on Earth. Around August 21, 2023, look east about 30 minutes before sunrise. Since Venus is the brightest planet, you will be able to spot it low in the east, near the sunrise point, not long before the Sun comes up. Venus will surprise you with its brightness so low in the sky. Thanks for watching! #Venus #Ringoffire #inferiorconjunction Images credit: NASA/JPL. nemesis maturity channel Music credit: YouTube Audio Library Desert Planet - Quincas Moreira
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