Inside Egosoft Podcast #02 Custom Game Start

This time around, we will be filling you in on what we’re doing with the upcoming “Custom Game Start“ feature in X4: Foundations. The new Custom Game Start feature will enable players of X4: Foundations to change or adapt certain starting conditions for the game. Some limits are in place to help maintain a bit of game balance, particularly for those who want to play Multiverse Team Seasons (see Inside Egosoft podcast #01). To give you some examples, in a Custom Game Start it will be possible to influence things such as your available starting capital, sectors already explored, and your relations with other factions. In order to be able to make these changes, X4 players will, in future, accumulate budgets in specific Custom Game Start categories (including money, knowledge and relations) by making progress in various aspects of the game. For example: if a player has reached a certain relation level with a faction in their X4 game, this counts towards their relations budget and therefore allows the player to
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