Eddie Eats Luther [Freddi Fish: The Case of the Missing Kelp Seeds - Hidden Cutscene]
(Edit 1/27/15: Welcome Cracked readers! Just to clear up some confusion, this was all recorded in-game on the original engine, and the only way to view it outside of using ScummVM’s debug console is through editing the game’s configuration file. It was also, as far as I know, never meant to actually be in the normal game. Rather, Tom Verre, the artist who drew the scene, did it to let off some steam. Anyways, enjoy!)
I reuploaded this video due to Youtube murdering the video quality. This should (hopefully) not have the same messiness as the other version.
Tucked away deep within the files of the first Freddi Fish game is this hidden cutscene, detailing Freddi’s very gruesome thoughts.
If you are using the game outside of ScummVM, you can find the area to activate this cutscene within the “HEINI“ file on your system. In the box labeled “Key“, type “EddieEatsLuther“ (one word, case sensitive, no quote marks) and under the box labeled “Value“ enter 1. Start up Freddi Fish 1 and go to the rock Eddie appears in front of, and like shown in the video click on Luther.
One last note. In the “HEINI“ file, you can also enter “BretIsTheOverlord“ (Bret Barret?) in the “Key“ box and like before enter 1 in the value box to see this vcutscene multiple times, or else EddieEatsLuther will be unable to be activated after the first time you see it, even if you restart the game..
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