StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void Cinematic, LA Audience Reaction

**Jump to 9:10 if you want to see the Legacy of the Void cinematic, as this video shows the two additional cinematics leading up to the Protoss cinematic (Wings of Liberty’s Building a Better Marine, and Heart of the Swarm intro)** --- Blizzard’s SC2: Legacy of the Void premiered in Poland and in LA’s Ace Theater simultaneously (which was where this was shot live) on September 13, 2015. It was great to see not just the Legacy of the Void cinematic on the big screen, but also the return of “Building a Better Marine“ SC2 teaser video that I got to witness unfold live in Seoul, Korea in 2007 that rumbled the entire Olympic Stadium as it showed. Hearing and seeing the reactions live is always glorious!
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