Make Your After Effects Projects Exciting With Particles #tutorial

Make Your After Effects Projects Exciting With Particles ► 1,400 Templates For After Effects: ► Free 100 Template Pack from us for AE & Premiere here: #aftereffects #animation #motiongraphics Apply the CC Bubbles effect to a solid layer. Set the shading type to none. So we have solid circles. You can change the bubble amount to adjust the number of circles. We’ll lower the speed. And increase the Amplitude. The amplitude affects the amount the circles will animate left to right. Then we can lower the frequency which affects how many times per second the circles will animate. If you want to turn this into a stroke circle. Duplicate your layer. Set the track matte of your top layer to the original bubbles layer. Then increase the bubble size by a touch. To change the color, go to effect – generate – fill. And change the color. And that’s how you can use bubbles to c
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