Diamond City Lights SPOOK (A CAPELLA) ver. Enna Alouette

CREDIT:: Please listen to the original of my dearest Lazulight members singing!! Original Video: Song: Mafumafu () Lyrics: Nelson Babin-Coy () Lyrics story: Sara Hoshikawa () Beautiful Illustration by : ♡ ♡ ♡ This one took awhile for me to finish and if I have to be honest; including the fact that my voice wasn’t cooperative the entire 2 weeks I was losing quite a bit of motivation on it. I tend to forget that I start on singing projects for fun. Somewhere along the way I’ll get too serious about it & end up obsessing over ways on how to “perfect“ it. This isn’t my proudest work but even with the self deprecating thought of how much it’s lacking, I did work pretty hard on it and finished. I’m also learning how to be a little more freeing with what I do so, thank you for your patience. ♡ #EnnaAlouette #NIJISANJI #にじさんじ #NIJISANJI_EN #Ethyria #Ethy
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