This game is SO MUCH HARDER in VR!!! // Elden Ring 4090 VR Gameplay

This amazing VR mod makes one of the hardest games EVEN harder, Elden Ring VR is a brutal experience and even with the 4090 VR performance boost (which makes the game play silky smooth in first or third person VR) I was destroyed over and over again by the Tree Sentinel... For this Elden Ring VR gameplay I just wanted to achieve one thing, defeat the Tree Sentinel, one of the hardest early game enemies in first person VR. I didn’t realise how difficult this challenge would be... Once again I’m testing the 4090 VR gameplay / 4090 VR performance on some of the best VR mods available today, Elden Ring VR sees a huge boost from my last video where I had to run the game on the lowest graphical settings. This time around I’ve pushed everything to ultra so this Elden Ring 4090 gameplay is the sharpest and smoothest way to experience Elden Ring VR, I’m tempted to stream the game now in first person because it finally runs well enough for me to play it properly. This Elden Ring VR gameplay was c
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