Aikido Tenshin - Arm Deflections

TenShin aikido is a method, or style, of instruction for aikido and the specific application of aikido techniques. This methodology originated and has become popular through the teachings of Steven Seagal Shihan (also known in aikido circles as Take Shigemichi Shihan). First and foremost, it must be understood that ALL techniques of aikido, there are literally thousands of them, come directly from O’Sensei and his unequivocal teachings. The saying ”aikido is aikido” is completely true and profound. All of aikido is O’Sensei’s aikido. It must also be said that not every aikido instructor, dojo or organization teaches aikido in the exact same manner, with the same attitude or application. However, there are extremely specific characteristics of TenShin aikido that have emerged from Seagal Shihan’s teachings that differentiate it from “mainstream” aikido of today. Seagal Shihan became head instructor of the first TenShin dojo in Osaka, Japan beginning in 1975 (TenShin translated to English means “heart o
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