Jump, Run and Shout! | Action song for kids | The Singing Walrus

Watch all of our videos ad free with our app (desktop, apple, or android): Only $ USD per month and $ USD for a year! Our new song, “Jump, Run and Shout!“ is another fun action song for kids to get your preschool, kindergarten, or elementary students up and moving! The third verse even has a breakdown where the kids shout to their hearts’ content! As the title shows, this song focuses on the three actions of jumping, running, and shouting. Each verse challenges the kids to do one action. During the chorus, your kids can dance, swing, and sing along (our little chicks have a simple choreography to follow if you want). Teachers of ESL, EFL in preschool and kindergarten will like the pattern practice of “Can you...?“ and “I can...“. Overall, the lyrics of this action song are simple, and the call-and-response format makes it easy to sing along, even for early learners of English (check out the lyrics below). Our Singing Walrus characters, including Mother Hen, are re
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