How To Wrap Hair Around A Ponytail - Fool Proof Method

A useful hair hack! Today’s hair tutorial shows how to hide your hair tie by wrapping hair around it, the easy way. This classic hair trick uses no bobby pins, extra elastics, or special hair tools (such as a topsy tail, clips, bungees, etc.) We call this the “fool proof“ or no fail method because it works for us every time and is super easy and quick. Tips and tricks for getting the perfect hair wrapped ponytail: 1. The strand of hair you are using to wrap around the top needs to be not too thick and not too thin. If you are having trouble, you might need to add some hair to your strand, or take some out. 2. When initially making the ponytail, make sure your hair tie is tight enough to hold the ponytail in place, but not too tight so that you can’t get your fingers through or pull the hair through it. 3. Use our video as a guide showing the points of reference and the direction the hair should be going. IE grabbing the strand from underneath the ponyta
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