JOJOLION OPENING - CHASE | ジョジョマンガアニメーション

FINALLY my JoJolion Opening is done!!! Well what a ride was it to make. Began working on it since 4th of July. I planned it to release on the last chapter of JoJolion. At that time there wasn’t a finish that for the manga so I was happy that I could set a date for the release when the end of was announced. Hope y’all enjoyed the opening!!! Ofcourse there are many people that helped with this so here they are: Inspiration: Alnucide : LogieHogieBear : Helpers: LogieHogieBear: the entire horse : Aidenfe : Jotarotard : ItsAEnemyStandUser : Close Friends that helped me bigtime: MitchellGSPR :
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