This African Cichlid video is a compilation of all the species I’ve kept over the years Past & Present. I’m a very large cichlid enthusiast and love all cichlids from around the world. In this video I mainly showcase the beautiful cichlids of Lake Malawi. I eventually would love to showcase the cichlids of Tanganyika, Central and South America in a video like this.
I personally feel that no other family of fish on this Planet is more vast and interesting then the Cichlids. The different sizes, colours and temperament they all posses is very dramatic. Cichlids are also known for their
... adaptability, as many fish of the same group and genus can posses and have developed different traits based on their surroundings.
Fish in the order as they appear in the video are listed below :
Sciaenochromis fryeri - Iceburg Blue Hap
Pundamilia nyererei
Metriaclima estherae - Red Zebra Cichlid
Aulonocara stuartgranti - Blue Neon “Undo Reef“
Pseudotropheus perspicax - Red Cap “Ndumbi“
Firefish or Strawberry Peacock Cichlid (Hybrid)
Metriaclima sp. Zebra Chilumba “Maison Reef“
Aulonocara sp. “Stuartgranti Maleri“ - Sunshine Peacock
Champsochromis caeruleus - Malawi Trout
Aulonocara jacobfreibergi “Otter Point“ - Malawi Butterfly
Metriaclima sp. Msobo “Magunga“ (female)
Metriaclima callainos - Cobalt Blue Zebra
Labidochromis caeruleus - Electric Yellow Cichlid
Dragon Blood Peacock (Hybrid)
Labidochromis sp. ’’Hongi’’ - Kimpuma Red Top, Hongi
Labeotropheus Trewavasae Chilumba / Mpanga
Mylochromis ericotaenia
Metriaclima pyrsonotus “Nakantenga“ - Red Top Zebra Cichlid
OB Peacock (Hybrid)
Albino Electric Yellow
Albino Peacock Cichlid
Labeotropheus fuelleborni (female)
Metriaclima sp. Zebra Chilumba “Maison Reef“ - Female Holding
Pseudotropheus elongatus Neon Spot
Artist : Event Horizon
Event Horizon - Awakening
Event Horizon - TravelerShow more