Den ende levande Guden och människoskapade religioner
Babylon beskrivs bildligt i Bibeln att betyda alla självcentrerade regeringar, företag och religioner på jorden.
“The essence of globalism is satanic, and the essence of satanism is globalist.
For Satan’s plan is to establish the reign of the Antichrist, giving him a way to parody the earthly life of Christ, imitate His miracles with grotesque wonders, drag the crowds not with the simplicity of Truth but with deception and lies.
Globalism constitutes, so to speak, the stage set-up, the script and the screenplay that must prepare humanity for the political rise of the Antichrist, to whom the rulers of the world-his servants-will surrender national sovereignties so that he will become a kind of world tyrant.“
Solving the Mystery of BABYLON THE GREAT is the only book in print that examines the historical evidence in light of scripture and proves that the Roman Catholic Church was established by crypto-Jews as a false “Christian“ front for a Judaic/Babylonian religion.
Solving the Mystery of BABYLON THE GREAT explains the adoption by Jewish rabbis of the heathen occult practices of Babylon.
Jesus criticized the Jews for practicing that Judaic/Babylonian amalgam religion.
The Jews in turn sought revenge against Jesus and had him crucified.
Again and again you will find that Mr. Hendrie documents his assertions, backing up what he says with historical facts and proofs.
Most important is that he buttresses his findings with scriptural understanding. The foundation for his research is sturdy because it is based on the bedrock of God’s unshakeable Word.
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Min spellista på Tidal - Lord You are Holy:
Samma spellista på Spotify (uppdateras ej då jag bytt till Tidal):
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