Kill bonus clips
- Most important thing is getting 3 toxic claws on neck, see build in comments
00:00 - Kill
01:49 - Bonus clip 1: 1 shotting P1 after setup
02:23 - Bonus clip 2: Best attempt with me trying P2 mechanics
My lillith build:
My NM dungeon speed farming build (viable until probably high 60’s):
My NM dungeon push build (what I recommend for 70 ): - Paragon board is not original for this particular build, credit goes to Carthh for that one.
***HOW THIS DAMAGE IS POSSIBLE***: Stormclaw aspect works in a funky way where it double dips on all your multipliers and possibly additive damage. Its hard to say exactly what it double dips on or not but given the numbers I hit, I assume it dips on quite a lot. What do I mean by this? Well, the first component is shred: Shred first gets hit by all your additive damage and multipliers, so lets say you have like 600x multiplier with all the multipliers from your paragon tree, your aspects, your vulnerable damage, your crit dmg (which should be quite high with stacks from rampaging werebeast), this creates a pretty significantly large hit, sometimes anywhere from 1-5 million damage depending on how good your gear is and what stats you have. That is JUST shred. Part 2 of this damage is blurred beast, this deals 91% of your poison damage instantly with your shred dash, so how much poison are we doing? well, with 6 ranks of toxic claw (what i have with my 3 neck), 46% of my shreds damage becomes a poison dot, so if I shred for 2 million damage, I instantly have a dot on her thats going to do 920,000 damage over 4 seconds. If I hit her with a bunch of shreds in a few seconds, I may have that dot stack into the millions. So lets say I stack an 5 million damage dot (not per tick, but over the total duration of the toxic claws dot), poison creeper is also adding to this dot passively though I dont think by much, 91% of that gets added to my 2 million damage shred hit, so now I shred and I hit her for 6.5 million which comes up as one number because the blurred beast dmg shred dmg combine to make one hit, then comes phase 3 of how our damage works, which is stormclaw. My stormclaw is 42% on the neck I used, so 42% of that 6.5 million is storm claws starting, base damage before anything else. So lets say stormclaw, at base, starts at 2,750,000 damage, which is 42% of my 6.5 million number. Think of that as how much damage you do on a naked hit with 0 gear, crits, or anything, its a very high starting point. That number is then going to (I believe) take all of your additive damage and create a new number, lets randomly say 4 million (all numbers are made up dont quote me on this), that 4 million is then going to take ALL of your multipliers, whatever you have from the paragon board, all your vulnerable damage, your main stat (dont forget, main stat/willpower is a multiplier, im unsure if it works on stormclaw but I will assume it does for the sake of this explanation), probably not crit damage because storm claw is always a white hit and does not look like it can crit, and possibly blurred beast as well, but im very unsure of that, it is fairly impossible to tell what does and doesnt apply to stormclaw, but given the crazy numbers I hit, it seems quite a lot does, so blurred beast is unlikely but definitely not impossible. Either way, all of these multipliers then get applied on to your 4 million damage hit, and suddenly you have hits going into the 10’s of millions, or even over 120 million if you crit with shred/blurred beast for over 10 mil like I did in my kill video. This 3 part damage combo is how I annihilate lilith.
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