The BEST Dubbing Brush Table for Fly Tying (Oasis Benches)

I’ve gotten a myriad of requests for a dubbing brush video, so here you go! In this video I discuss the various techniques that I use to make dubbing brushes on the Oasis Benches Dubbing Brush Table. I’ve made a couple hundred brushes on this table so far and I am beyond pleased with it. Dubbing brushes are used to make flies or segments of flies in an efficient manner. - I use Master Supply Wire in 28g, 32g, and 34g (lower number, higher thickness), one pair of wire cutters/flush cutters, and a fine wire pet brush- Instagram - @mcfallflies - Dubbing Brush Table - Music - Acoustic/Folk Instrumental by Hyde - Free Instrumentals Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: Music promoted by Audio Library
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