The Boite presents Zulya and the Children of the Underground Trio (Part 1)
Zulya and the Children of the Underground Trio share an online performance for The Boite’s “Adapt, not Cancel“ series.
Zulya Kamalova - Vocals, guitar, percussion
Andrew Tanner - Double bass, jewsharp, guitar
Anthony Schulz - Piano accordion
with special guests:
Lucas Michailidis - Guitar
Zifa Tanner-Kamal - Clarinet
The full concert is split into various videos. If your player does not automatically continue to the next video, you can find the other videos on this playlist:
Therese Virtue - Moderator
Daniel Jauregui - Audio Mix and Video Editing
Produced by The Boite in partnership with Harmonic Whale with support from Creative Victoria and Australia Council for the Arts
#theboite #adaptnotcancel #zulyakamalova #andrewtanner #anthonyschultz #childrenoftheunderground #harmonicwhale