Abandoned In Street With Acid Burnt Half Of His Skin, He Tried To Hide Nowhere To Go...

Abandoned In Street With Acid Burnt Half Of His Skin, He Tried To Hide Nowhere To Go... Little Dorli came to my life on 08 Nov in a terrible situation: someone pour acid into him & abandoned him in a shop. In pain and panic he tried to hide but had nowhere to go. He cried for a while until the shop owner saw him. When we got Dorly, nearly half of his skin already gone. Not sure what did he do to make previous owner got mad like that... Credit To: ONG 4 PATAS PAYPAL yokaiiama@ PIX Yokaiama Silva (83) 9 9654-4680 Bank of Brazil Francinaldo Santos AG: 0521-5 CONTA: 1279-3 CURRENT ACCOUNT CAIXA Silvani Vieira AG: 0732 ACCOUNT: 00005646-2 CONTA CORRENTE BRADESCO Yokaiama Silva AG: 3454 CONTA: 0003230-1 CURRENT ACCOUNT PICPAY Silvani Vieira @projeto4patass #HowlOfPet, #AbandonedPuppy, #PuppyAcid
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