He was SICK of looking at this OVERGROWN MESS and THANKED me for Cleaning it

Go to my sponsor to get a 14 day free trial and see if your personal information has been leaked online. My wife and I were driving to dinner and looked down a side street and this was one of the first homes in the neighborhood. We had to turn around and check it out. The grass was extremely overgrown and the edges/cracks were filled with grass. So, I knocked on the door but there was a sticker on the door saying the home was deemed vacant. A neighbor right across the street was outside and told me it’s been vacant for a long time and that it’s going up for auction eventually. So, I came back the next day and cleaned the overgrown yard up for the neighborhood. A neighbor taking a walk had a quick conversation with me while I was working and thanked me for cleaning it up. He was sick of looking at it everyday and was glad he didn’t have to call the city anymore! ------------------------------------------------ Help support me by getting a shirt
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