Northeast China enters flood season 1 month early; Pro-democracy newspaper forced to shut after raid

⭕️ Support the China news you can’t find anywhere else. No censorship. Visit our new own platform: EPOCH TV👉 ⭕️ Sign up for our NEWSLETTER and stay in touch👉 #AppleDaily is one of the few independent media outlets in Hong Kong. But they will stop operations by midnight tonight. The chairman of the city’s journalist union is warning, it ’’will create a chilling effect’’ in the city. Northeast China enters #FloodSeason one month earlier than usual. At least in the basin of one major river, it marks the highest rainfall level in 60 years. What are the fundamental differences between Canada and #CommunistChina? The Canadian Prime Minister is breaking down. That’s after the two sides quarrelled at a United Nation meeting. 00:00 Intro 00:42 Hong Kong’s Apple Daily to stop operations 02:13 HK journalists’ union: it sent chills to my heart 02:58 Hong Kong residents: ’no press freedom’ 03:55 HK security law: man charged says not guilty 05:56 Northeast China
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