The Great Canon of Repentance was composed by St Andrew of Crete. It is sung in Great Compline on the first four days of Lent divided into four sections, and then in its entirety at Matins on Thursday of the fifth week of Lent.
0:00:00 Ode I
0:13:26 Ode II
0:34:57 Ode III
0:48:35 Little Litany
0:49:44 Ode IV
1:10:39 Ode V
1:23:01 Ode VI
1:34:27 Little Litany
1:35:44 Kontakion
1:38:11 Ode VII
1:51:24 Ode VIII
2:06:18 Ode IX
The recording was made at Kilninian, the main church of the Orthodox Monastery of All Celtic Saints on the Isle of Mull.
CHEQUE DONATIONS (USA only) can be written for American Friends of the Celtic Saints, and sent to: 3736 W County Rd 4, Berthoud, CO 80513. All cheque donors will receive a tax-receipt for their donation.
I C O N S, S P I R I T U A L B O O K L E T S and P R A Y E R R O P E S made at the Monastery are available through our online store:
Remember to S U B S C R I B E and S H A R E !