Trying to expand the genre variety on my channel.
Muse Dash on Steam:
[0:00] 1. Bad Apple!! feat. Nomico
[2:23] 2. 緋色月下、狂咲ノ絶
[5:04] 3. Unconscious Requiem
[7:20] 4. Cirno’s Perfect Math Class
*Bad Apple is played on hidden difficulty (Lv. 8), which is harder than it’s master mode variant (Lv. 6).
What can I say? I’m a sucker for all Touhou stuff.
There is actually 7 Touhou songs in the game and initially I wanted to record them all... but one of them is too hard for me. The remix of Sakuya’s theme is a Lv. 10 song, and even though I can clear it (and even FC it if I really try), my accuracy is so off it’s just painful to watch. The other two songs are easier, but I don’t really like them so I didn’t include them either.
While this game is different from the games I usually record for my channel, I find it to be a good opportunity to test my skill in general and see what my weak points are. I need to find the way to overcome them. And practice more,
5 months ago 01:37:28 1
История ритм игры: от Guitar hero и Beatmania до !OSU и Friday Night Funkin
5 months ago 00:09:27 1
Why ’The Lion King’ is NOT Hamlet [William Shakespeare’s ’The Lion King’ Part One]
5 months ago 00:02:27 1
RUSH E but it’s a Muse Dash chart (Custom ?★)
5 months ago 00:00:32 7
Sync completed. Go show them your strength as an emotion-perception-type combat android, Marija.