Duck sauce

Hey guys, in this video I will show you how to make a delicious duck sauce. It’s the sauce I used in my previous video. Hope you like it, enjoy! Duck dish: ⇨ Thanks for subscribing! ​​ ⇩ Click here for more Jules Cooking and the recipe⇩ For tips, tricks, photos and recipes follow me on: ↪ Instagram: ​​ ↪ Twitter: ​​ ↪ Facebook: ​​ Enjoy making this recipe! Oven temperature 200 degrees Celsius. Ingredients: 4 duck carcasses 0.5 liter of white wine 2 onions 3 carrots 1 celeriac 3 sticks of celery 8 grams of coriander seeds 8 leaves of bay leaf 100 grams of cold cubes of butter Bon appetit!
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