Zlata Razdolina and Dudu Fisher - Night Злата раздолина и Д.Фишер - Ночь
Музыка- Злата Раздолина
стихи -Марина Цветаева
Исполнение-Злата Раздолина и звезда израильской эстрады Дуду Фишер
сайт композитора королевы романса ЗЛАТЫ РАЗДОЛИНОЙ
Zlata Razdolina Composer, author and performer singing with Dudu Fisher, ’Night (Notch)’ - Lyrics Marina Tzvetayeva
English translation:
My city’s vastness is submerged in night.
Away from sleeping buildings, I take flight
The people that I see think: daughter, wife,-
But I remembered one thing only: night.
A mild, July wind shows me where to go.
In someone’s house, music playing - slow.
Through thin walls of my ribs, - I know -
This wind, up until dawn, will blow.
Theres a lit up window and a poplar tree,
A flower in my hand, a church-bells plea,
This path I take in no ones footsteps - free,
And this lone shadow, - there is no me.
Golden threads of city lights rays.
And in my mouth, - this bitter leafs taste.
My friends r
5 months ago 00:35:13 1
Перед Йом Кипур истории и мелодии еврйской души - р.Бенцион Ласкин Клезмер Д.Флем муз З.Раздолина