Обзор набора 2016 года ЛЕГО сити Праздник в парке 60134
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Количество минифигурок: 15 шт
Количество деталей: 157 шт
Fun in the park - City People Pack REVIEW 2016
Meet a bunch of new people spending a beautiful day in the park! Help the father watch his baby, while the kids play in the playground with their grandparents. Buy a hot dog at the cart and enjoy a bite to eat on the park bench, before getting back to work with the painter. Watch out for the dog though, he’ll grab your food if you’re not careful. This is the perfect pack to populate your city!
9 years ago 00:24:37 120
60134 LEGO обзор - ЛЕГО Праздник в парке
9 years ago 00:02:08 14
LEGO City: Fun in the Park - Unboxing! (60134)
9 years ago 00:10:23 15
LEGO City Fun in the Park People Pack review! 60134
9 years ago 00:02:19 22
LEGO City Summer 2016 releases: ALL SETS - Airport, Volcano, Park & Petrol Station
9 years ago 00:04:44 29
LEGO Summer 2016 - Top 10 MOST WANTED sets: My Thoughts!
9 years ago 00:00:49 16
LEGO City Summer 2016: Fun at the Park - first box image! (60134)
9 years ago 00:01:14 97
LEGO City ’Fun at the Park’ (60134) comes with a Baby Minifigure!