“Be a little slow, be a little late“ Best Quote from Season 1 Episode 5 of “The Wire“
See, if he did.
You know, I could carry it better. Coming
up to what we did, you know,
you kind of expect that.
Waiting on it.
See, the thing is,
you only have to fuck up once.
Be a little slow, be a little late.
Just once.
And how you ain’t going to never be slow,
never be late?
You can’t plan for no shit like this, man.
its Life.
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Phelan signs the wiretap affidavit for a clone of D’Angelo’s pager. Freamon finds that each pager message consists of a seven-digit phone number and a two-digit identifying tag. The phone numbers used do not work, so Freamon postulates that they are using a code to mask the numbers. The code is ultimately cracked by Prez. Freamon visits Daniels’ office and tells him that they need audio surveillance on the payphones surrounding the projects to make the case. He knows that Daniels is concerned about his career, but insists that they put the cases first.
Bubbles tells Greggs where to find Omar’s van. She and McNulty sit on the van and wait for Omar to show up, hoping to convince him to become an informant. McNulty calls Elena and asks for his sons to come over. He insists he has everything ready, but she does not believe him and refuses to allow the visit. Meanwhile, Carver and Herc track down Bodie to the pit and violently arrest him for absconding from the juvenile detention center. Bodie refuses to consider making a deal, and the detectives respond to his insults with a savage beating. However, while waiting to hand Bodie over to juvenile intake, they end up shooting pool with him.
Bunk receives a ballistics report confirming that the shell casing from the Kresson murder is linked to the Barksdales, just as Landsman predicted. McNulty and Greggs follow Omar’s van into a cemetery, where they parley. McNulty tries to convince Omar that they have an enemy in common, but Omar thinks that working with the police is wrong. McNulty reveals that Bailey has been killed; though Omar pretends to be unfazed, he reveals two things: that a Barksdale soldier named Bird killed William Gant, and that he knows that Bubbles is their informant.
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