LEGO Super Nintendo Transformers – created by Julius von Brunk

High-res Photos: Controller & Cartridge Instructions: My Instagram: Originally started in 2020, this is my set of custom LEGO Super #Nintendo Transformers: a console named Super Famitron, a cartridge called Polybius, and two gorilla controllers named Simian Kong and Primal Kong. I’ve been creating original video game Transformers since late 2011, and this is currently the newest addition to the team! You might remember my LEGO Nintendo 64 #Transformers from 2013: This particular set is a spiritual successor to the aforementioned creations, and uses similar but more elaborate functionalities. The main robot [Super Famitron] is absolutely massive and despite his articulated design, he has trouble standing up when in robot form. However unlike previous LEGO video game consoles
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