Latvia is sinking! Jekabpils is completely underwater! People do not know how to be saved!

Jekabpils Latvia In connection with the flood in Jekabpils, an emergency evacuation was announced this afternoon on the section of Plavinu Street from the Arvida Žilinska Music School to the State Fire and Rescue Service reported. Flooding in south-central Latvia has broken records and led to preparations for a mass evacuation, the country’s public broadcaster , less than two weeks after Estonia’s southern neighbor was hit by equally severe floods. A combination of heavy rains and a thaw brought on by an unusually mild winter caused the Daugava to reach its highest level in 40 years Schools are closed in Jekabpils. , public transport stops and road restrictions, and a large-scale evacuation is out of the question. A third-level meteorological warning has been issued in the Jekabpils region, and the risk of flooding on the Daugava and other major rivers in Latvia may persist until spring. Much attention is paid to the protective embankment. If this dam fails
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