News In A Nutshell (1936)

Item title reads - News in a Nutshell. Intertitle - ’Amsterdam’ (Holland) - M/S of ladies hand stitching beautiful material for wedding gown of Princess Juliana of Holland. Various shots as a team of seamstresses work on the dress and the camera pans across the material. M/S of satin material draped over a chair. Intertitle - ’London Docks’ - M/S as a big crate is hoisted from a ship, an elephant’s trunk pokes out from it. M/S of men on dock. M/S’s of the elephants walking about on the dock, one flaps its ears, M/S of a baby one. Various shots of them on the docks waiting to go to Islin...gton circus. Intertitle - ’Woolwich’ - (Greater London) - M/S as the cadets of the royal military academy are inspected by Air Chief Marshal Sir Edward Ellington. M/S as he walks down the rows. M/S of the march past, he takes the salute. Various shots. Intertitle - ’London’ - M/S of Father Christmas stood with official from new Tabernacle Provident Society and several policemen. He is holding a sack with s
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