“You’re my hero, princess. And you save my life every single day.“
Okay, where I should start... I worked sooo long for this video, like I started it a week ago, and finished only today. But It’s okay, at least I added the Jaspenor scenes of the last episode. Season 4 of The Royals was absolutely THE BEST, don’t fight me on this! I loved every single character and all the plot twists has leave me shooked! Also I loved how Len has grown up since the show started. She was a mess in the first season, struggling with pain, loneliness and that costantly feeling of empty. And now she’s so strong, fearless, badass, and so altruist. She worked so hard on herself and that makes me so fucking proud of the woman she has become. Honestly I hope that one day she becomes the Queen. She’s the only one that deserves to rule the kingdom, both her brothers have done too much shit this season, and Liam kinda disappointed me (mostly because of what he did to Greta). I still don’t like Robert, but I have to admitt he’s a very co