The Modern Revisionists... (1964) by Enver Hoxha. Marxist/Communist Audiobook + Discussion.
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Full title: The Modern Revisionists on the Way to Degenerating Into
Social-Democrats and to Fusing with Social-Democracy
0:00 S4A Intro
2:56 Introduction
10:21 Modern Revisionists Proceed Along the Treacherous Tracks of Social Democracy
12:42 What Does Present-Day Social-Democracy Represent?
17:51 But social-democracy today has gone a step further in its betrayal when compared with the time of the 2nd International. At present it is characterized by a growing tendency towards the right.
30:16 Modern Revisionists Have Slipped into the Positions of Social-Democracy
42:08 Towards a Complete Fusion of the Modern Revisionists with the Social-Democrats
43:25 Workers Parties or “Bourgeois Parties of the Working Class“?
53:32 Liquidation of the Communist Parties: the Goal of the Modern Revisionists
1:15:01 A Stop Should be Put to the Treacherous Acts of the Revisionists; the Communist Parties Should be Protected!
1:25:20 S4A Closing & Credits
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