It’s finished! This is one of the more complex videos I’ve done for sure. And I got it done in four days too!
Okay, story behind this. The way it’s done is kinda a tribute to this American Horror Story I saw that did a similar coloring technique with the red and black and white effect, and I really liked how that looked. This song kinda just lends to that so well. The title for this though, ’All I love Dies’ is a reference to the quote that inspired this from a Fanfic. In the story, Leia is explainin
3 weeks ago 00:00:00 2
The Last of us Part I Kill All #30a
3 weeks ago 00:02:33 1
️ “Forze permanenti dell’esercito americano in Europa”: decine di veicoli corazzati statunitensi vagano per il territorio france