LifeAfter - Затонувшая лодка

Tips and Tricks on how to clear the new LifeAfter area operation, The Sunken Boat. The sunken boat area operation might just be the most fun area operation to play in the game LifeAfter. In this LifeAfter area operation rebuild, the sunken boat, we fight sharks, we dive under water and explore a sunken ship, and we experience a super fun gameplay set in a scene were a ship is actually sinking. Show your support by becoming a member: Add me on Facebook: #LifeAfter #TheLifeAfterGuide #natotv #mrnato LIKE and SUBSCRIBE ✔ Track: jeonghyeon x Chill Satellite - Moon Music Provided by Magic Records Listen To The Original: Track: Over Jack - Nobody’s Home (ft. Tai Chiaro) Music Provided by Magic Records Listen To The Original: Track: Robbe & BASTL - Electrified Music Provided by M
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