Easy Metal Riffs to Practice (As Iron Sharpens Iron Song)

If you need some simple, easy metal riffs so that you can practice your rhythm playing, accuracy, and timing, these are some awesome riffs to play. 🎧 Here’s link the to the Apocalyptic Dreams album (this song is track 9 on the album): There are 3 different parts to this song where you’ll learn the riffs. And each riff is slightly different. The first 2 are kind of simple but the 3rd riffs, which is the bridge on the song, is a little more complex. But all of these riffs are really fun to play and sort of have that old school Metallica meets Judas Priest vibe. Hope you enjoyed this lesson! Keep it Metal, Jason FREE Metal Guitar Practice Guide here: Stream my music at: CDs, Digital Downloads, and Merch: Buy Jason a beer here: https://www
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