Various 1980s beauty and cosmetics commercials

This collection of personal care and beauty ads came from a tape that was marked “New Faces Of ’86- Cosmetic Video“ that I found. Most ads date from 1984 to 1986, with a few from the early part of the decade. Among the sponsors featured include Mudd Mask, Corn Silk, Sun-In, Love’s Baby Soft, Pond’s, Max Factor, Verve, Maybelline, Bonne Bell, Almay, Artmatic, Pantene, Vidal Sassoon, Neutrogena, Oil of Olay, Charlie perfume by Revlon, Jontue, Nail Art International, Jovan Musk, Zazu Hair ColorWash, Krazy Nails, Clairol, Conair, Coty Wild Musk Patchouli, Stetson, Tabu cologne, Canoe, Sally Hansen, Faberge Organics, Brut, Queene, Helene, and even a segment of Woman’s Page with Larry Freeman and Dorothy Hamill.
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