I AM by JOHN CLARE | 19th Century poem analysis | John Clare I Am poetry ANALYSIS & CLOSE READING

John Clare I Am poem analysis | Close reading of John Clare’s beautiful 19th century poem I Am, which examines Clare’s troubles at the loss of his sense of self. The lecture considers the poem’s intellectual context, Clare’s biography, provides a summary, & examines Clare’s poetry’s diction & form. I AM by JOHN CLARE / 19th CENTURY POEM ANALYSIS & CLOSE READING ENGLISH LITERATURE ANALYSIS If you’d like to support the channel, you can here Follow me on Twitter: CLOSE READING CLASSIC LITERATURE #DrOctaviaCox #UnfamiliarReadings #CloseReadingClassicLiterature FOR MORE LITERARY ANALYSIS see my ‘Close Reading Classic Literature’ playlist: POEM I am yet what I am none cares or knows My friends forsake me like a memory lost I am the self-consumer of my woes They rise and vanish in oblivion’s host Like shadows in love’s frenzied stifled throes And
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